As well as our Stress Relief for Parents CD, we also offer two guided meditations CD’s and MP3 Downloads, the Mountain Meditationand the Golden Light Healing Meditation as well as our Drum Journeys CD, sold as MP3 Downloads.

Drum Journeys CD by Genevieve

Gen and drumThe Drum speaks a language beyond words; an ancient sound, it speaks to our soul, it calls toour deepest nature, it lures us back into rhythm with the cycles of nature. “Rhythm is the secret key to balance and belonging.” John O’Donohue.

Track 1: You are Earth, Water, Fire and Air.

This is a beautiful journey with Genevieve’s soothing voice accompanied by her healing drum that guides you to sink into and merge with Mother Earth; to become the flowing cleansing river, to expand into the spaciousness and limitlessness of air, to dance as the flames of fire, to re-member that you are the elements, that you are nature.

Track 2: Heart Beat of Mother Earth.

This drumming track holds you, leads you, soothes you and heals you as you embark on your own healing journeys and meditations.

Track 3: Raising your Power.

A strong Clearing Drum Track to Empower you.

Track 4: Trance Dance!!

Drum Journey MP3 Download normally NZ$11.99 (or equivalent in your currency) For a limited time – On Sale – SPECIAL OFFER for just NZ$4.99 (approx US$4.00)


Please Note: If your buying requirements are not met through our Shopping Cart, email us with your specific requirements and we can arrange the sale directly through PayPal or otherwise.

The Golden Light Healing CD

consists of three guided meditation tracks. The listener simply listens to the words and is taken into a deeply relaxation stated state.

1. Body Relaxation and Golden Light Healing
2. Meet Michael the Archangel
3. Manifest Abundance.

Golden Light Healing CD

The Golden Light Healing meditations allow the listener to easily deepen into a very calm and relaxed state and guides the listener to maximize this space to bring healing and positive change into their life.

3 tracks. Total time 43 minutes.

Track 1: Golden Light Healing. Listener is guided to bring awareness and deep releaxation to each area of the body from the toes to the top of the head. The meditation is a healing journey to the inner self, filling the body with golden light. facilitates, supporting the listener’s connection with the pure essence of Spirit.

Track 2: The second tracks takes the listener to the soul plane and guides the listener to reclaim their ability to express their thoughts and feelings clearly with peace and confidence, while bringing healing to relationships by releasing unhealthy dysfunctional ties and cloosing peace and love instead.

Track 3: Awakening to Abundance. This track guides the listener to open their heart to attrack positive energies to them.

The Golden Light Healing CD’s retail for US$25 or NZD$30 each, but are currently being offered through this website on On Sale! SPECIAL OFFER for just NZD$9.99


MP3 Downloads of the Golden Light Healing CD

are normally $11.99 but for a limited time only are also being offered On Sale!
for just NZD$4.99
or the equivalent in your currency, calculated through PayPal
(Approx. US$4.00)


Please Note: If your buying requirements are not met through our Shopping Cart, email us with your specific requirements and we can arrange the sale directly through PayPal or otherwise.

The Mountain Meditation CD

consists of three guided meditation tracks. The listener simply listens to the words and is taken into a deeply relaxation stated state.

1. The Mountain Meditation Journey
2. Chakra Expansion Healing
3. Chant: “Oh Great Spirit, we share the gifts you bring”

Mountain Meditation

The Mountain Meditation CD

consists of: 3 tracks. Total time 68 minutes.

Track 1: Guided journey up a mountain path with the focus on connecting with the energies of nature, deep relaxation, release of stress and unnecessary burdens and at the top of the mountain offers an opportunity to go through a symbolic gateway into the light, into a brighter, lighter space where support and guidance are abundanctly available.

Track 2: Guides the listener through each of the chakras in turn, invoking a healing of all aspects of self relating to each chakra. Then the Archangels are called in through song and sound.

Track 3: Chant, sung by Genevieve and Nick Haughton, the producer of the music. The chant is very uplifting.

The Mountain Meditation CD’s retail for US$25 or NZD$30 each, but are currently being offered through this website for a limited time on
SPECIAL OFFER for just NZD$19.99

MP3 Downloads of the Mountain Meditation CDnormally $11.99, also On Sale! SPECIAL OFFER for just NZD$4.99 or the equivalent in your currency calculated through PayPal (Approx. USD$4)

Please Note: If your buying requirements are not met through our Shopping Cart, email us with your specific requirements and we can arrange the sale directly through PayPal or otherwise.


To pay by Credit Card, click the “Add to Cart” button under the CD you wish you buy.

To pay by cheque from New Zealand, make cheque payable to “Genevieve Simperingham” and send to PO Box 403023, Ngunguru 0154 including postage of $5, plus $2 extra for each subsequent CD. You can also pay by internet transfer into kiwi bank 38-9011-0805155-00.

The meditations on all of Genevieve’s CD’s verbally guide the listener to deeply relax their body, mind and emotions, bringing a deep sense of inner peace and calm. Genevieve’s voice is enhanced with beautifully soothing music, a textured blend of instruments and healing sounds from nature, the waves of the ocean, sounds of birds and more.

Genevieve’s CD’s are perfect for those learning meditation for the first time, for experienced meditators and for anyone seeking to bring more peace, calm and relaxation into their lives. As well as the listener being verbally guided into deep meditative state, they are also guided to tune in to themselves on a deeper level, to connect with their spirit self and to bring self healing to their emotions, mind and physical body.

Genevieve’s soft and clear irish voice guides you comfortably through each journey. The meditations will leave you in a truly lighter, higher, relaxed and more empowered state of being.

Many studies these days show the connections between deep relaxation, stress release and physical healing. When we can calm the mind and come into a deeply relaxed medative state, a very profound healing happens physically, mentally and emotionally.

To become truly self empowered, each person must conquer the chaos of the mind. It is only when the mind becomes calm and peaceful, that the light, insights, clarity and visions of the higher mind can come through. Genevieve’s words are full of wisdom, warmth and care. In the words of one happy customer “It is her genuine passion for helping others that comes through in her voice and helps the listener adopt a more caring and compassionate attitude towards themselves.”


“I have had both of Genevieve’s guided journey CD’s for over a year and have listened to them dozens of times. Each time, I get something new out of journeying with them. Simply listening to her voice and the music, my mind becomes still and my emotions calm, and that is where the healing happens. Each time, different parts of the journey turn the light on for me, illuminating different parts of my self re integration. I definitely recommend them to everyone and am looking forward to other CD’s she makes available.” Samantha Munnings, Manager, Haven Property, Auckland, New Zealand

“Your ‘Golden Light Healing” CD has profoundly touched me, thoroughly enjoying it!”
Jules Bright, naturopath, herbalist, healer.

“Having been dissapointed with some other meditation CD’s I had purchased, I found both of Genevieve’s meditation CD’s to be very worthwhile with refreshingly original methods, music and ideas and would highly recommend them!” Roger Dunkley, Wellington

“My three boys love listening to your Golden Light Healing cd at night time, it really helps them relax and wind down and fills them with lovely feelings, they regularly remind me to put it on. Oh and I love it myself, it’s my little treat to myself, it always helps me unwind and remember where the priorities lie, so thank you Genevieve!” Tanya, Whangarei

“.. and I LOVE your CD ! Your beautiful voice, the music and background sounds are superb … the sound and quality is excellent ! very professional – thank you. Blessings” Anne, professional photographer, Auckland, New Zealand

“I love your drum CD, it brings me back to those magical journeys that you lead us on at Prana every year. I can feel the resonance of the drum throughout my whole body and there’s something about it that just makes me feel so good. And the big bonus is that I’ve noticed that when I put it on, it always puts my 6mth old baby to sleep, every time without fail and I can tell it’s a really deep settled sleep.”

“I started meditating around seven years ago but never have been able to go into such a deep and insightful meditation as I have done at home listening to the wonderful, and very healing, meditations that Genevieve guides me through on her CD’s. Thank you so much Genevieve, you are a very special angel with such wonderful gifts and voice!” Diane, Australia

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