Ideas & Resources

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    • #3226
      Tabitha Jonson

      I was just reminded of this great list. May be helpful as a reminder for you or for others who interact with your child.

    • #4488
      Tabitha Jonson

      Check out this very short clip (on Facebook) of a child engaging in therapeutic play like we talk about in Week 4. We play this type of game frequently and it creates such a lot of laughter for us all. Such a great way to release stress and get us all back on track. The video gives a great example of the tone that I often use – “pretend mad” my kids call it. 🙂

      KateSurfs is an Aware Parenting instructor.

      Looking for ways to incorporate high-dose connection play into your everyday life? Here's how we get a good dose of laughter play and role playing around here. This sort of laughter play is super helpful in dealing with undesirable behavior. This play creates quality connection time (fills their attention quota) and the laughter also dispels fear in the child about doing something 'bad'. Even though we might not mean to, sometimes our over reaction towards a child's behavior can frighten a child enough that they repeat the offense, in order understand the parent's (or caretaker's) response. For example, if Margo did kick someone, in a moment of anger, and I got angry with her, she would still carry the hurt from my anger. The playing helps her to feel more connected to me, and the laughter helps her to heal from the fear of my reaction. This play does not actually encourage kicking. If she continued kicking me, even after the game was over, I would have set a loving limit and probably some tears would follow (another sign of s good emotional release).In this scenario, Margo (5) knows the game we play is a joke and she asks me to play it over and over again. Please excuse my hideous laughing, it's all part of the play

      Posted by Katesurfs on Sunday, August 23, 2015

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